Mobile Marketing Services

Mobile Apps

At Real Marketing, we understand trends and have experts ready to expand the way customers interact with your business' e-commerce.

The number of mobile users is continuously growing, already far exceeding PC users, which means failing to reach your target market through this platform can result in not only a loss of leads, but a gain for a direct competitor who's doing it right. Mobile Apps creates a more dynamic user experience that goes far beyond the traditional "banner ad" that can be easily overlooked on a mobile screen, but rather allows for you to engage the customer any time, any where.

Mobile Marketing offers a wide range of opportunities for interacting with users on a more personal level. When working with Real Marketing, we provide an effective service in which we help you reach a much more specific audience than one that is filtered by just demographics. We believe that user interests and habits such as mobile browsing data are some of the key factors in reaching a specific target segment, within a specific audience profile.

Using the best practices and expertise, Real Marketing provides service implementation that is tailored to your business' specific needs. We are always striving to be the leader in Mobile Marketing, with a professional team that can provide complete management of your entire mobile campaign. Losing customers to ineffective marketing can really bring down revenue. We’re here to make sure you never see red again

Accurate Targeting

We know the mobile marketing's potential for business success that's why our mobile campaigns are based on accurate targeting.

SMS campaings

We use a cross-channel approach that integrates the various mobile channels including SMS mobile marketing campaigns.

Mobile First Design

We can ensure a great browsing experience for all users, first we focus our efforts on mobile users and then expand it to desktop.

We provide an accurate analysis of your mobile marketing strategy which is then supported by implementation that is tailored specifically to your business' needs. Stop losing customers, start being competitive – go mobile today!